Finally Free Of Pain

with radon therapy – the reality and myths

ACURADON healing

Nachtigallenweg 3, 55543 Bad Kreuznach

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ACURADON Radontherapie Rheuma-Bustour 2017The Bad kreuznacher radon great informed of 8. to 12 may 2017 at 9 locations in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate and the Saarland as to the offer to natural therapy for chronic pain.

The rheumatism bus tour 2017 in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland

Stiff joints, aching bones, muscles, and Tendons, torment, in Germany, about nine million people. Affected Young and Old, women and men – the chronic-inflammatory diseases, which are often only the Incursion to "rheumatism" is known, can happen to anyone. Rheumatic diseases have many faces and are often difficult to detect. Here are the inflammatory rheumatic diseases, the rapid and definite diagnosis, the smooth cooperation of family doctors, rheumatologists, rheumatology clinics and self-help initiatives prerequisite for a successful therapy. If these diseases as early as possible, determined and consistently treated, the progression of the disease, positive affect, and quality of life.

The first warning signs of inflammatory rheumatic diseases, as well as current treatment and rehabilitation, in the case of rheumatism, educate and advise, the rheumatism Bus for the ninth Time across the country. At the start of the new rheumatism network rheumatism-BEFORE this year, in addition to the Rhineland-Palatinate, lower Saxony, Saarland, on-the-go. A total of 18 stations in Rhineland-Palatinate, the Saarland and lower Saxony to the practicing rheumatologist, as well as the local groups of the League against rheumatism and the Association of ankylosing spondylitis will come.

The radon great informed

With the Team of the ACURADON radon therapy at all our locations, in order for interested parties informed about this unique offer for long-term pain relief in chronic pain and inflammatory rheumatic diseases.

More to the locations and dates for the rheumatism-Bus 2017, see

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If you have further questions about the radon therapy or to the company, please use the contact form or directly contact the ACURADON Team:

Your direct line to the senior management ACURADON

Telefon: +49 (0)176 36 3047 36

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