Advantages of Acuradon
Radon Pain Therapy
Long-lasting pain relief through Radon
The ACURADON radon therapy made possible thanks to the natural healing by means of Radon, a long-term and effective pain relief and anti-inflammation in chronic pain due to rheumatic diseases, Rheumatoid Arthritis, fibromyalgia, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, Psoriasis, scleroderma, neuralgia, Polyneuropathy, and chronic pain due to accidents and operations. This unique form of pain therapy in the nationwide only radon tunnel and is characterised by its particularly simple and efficient application:
- Pleasant, spacious ambience of a historic mine
- Normal Room Temperature
- Particularly allergen-arm (ideal in case of difficulty in breathing)
- No One - or discharging
- The therapy room is located only 30 meters walk from the entrance
- Barrier-free certified
- No complicated apparatus
- no showers
- no Case
- Effective, long-term pain relief
- Barrier-free access to the therapy room
- Also suitable in the case of cardiovascular disorders, allergies, fear of tight spaces, skin problems, sensitivity to heat and humidity
Already convinced? Want to directly book an appointment, then click NOW CHOOSE DATE
Services related to the Radon-pain therapy
The different ways to get a Radon pain therapy, explained to you in our area Offers. Under the section Your way in the tunnels you will learn how to quickly and easily your personal and individual way to ACURADON Radon pain therapy and simple and effective:
- There is a list of prescription approved Doctorsyou make an appointment directly to the preliminary study, and exhibition of the recipe.
- Contact Reservation Departmentthat takes care of the handling of appointments, and billing.
- You can visit the studs in front of her at the start of therapy. We offer various options for Guides to.
- Also you can find another Info Material round the radon inhalation in Germany's only radon tunnel.
- The news about the radon therapy, you can find in the area NEWS
- Answers to the most common questions we have in the area QUESTIONS and ANSWERS HERE ffor you are put together.

So it goes
Patients report