Finally Free Of Pain

with radon therapy – the reality and myths

ACURADON healing

Nachtigallenweg 3, 55543 Bad Kreuznach

Give us a call!

+49 (0)671-298-33-66

Radon therapy

You will receive the
Radon Pain Therapy

Here we have selected for you a short Overview of how it goes for you, quickly and individually to radon therapy.

You suffer from one of the diseases for which Radon as a remedy is approved? The indication list, you can find here.

You have the choice between different Due to the Inhalation of perceiving the radon great:

  • as outpatient therapy, either with daily arrivals from the Region, or during a (holiday) stay

Since the treatment only a single hour per Day of therapy lasts and no elaborate preparation or follow - up, can you immediately before or after therapy immediately back in to your usual everyday life back. Even with a daily arrival from the Frankfurt area, you might plan to 7.45 am to leave home, from 09.00 to 10.00 in the therapy and to be from 11.15 a.m. to return to work.

  • as part of a Therapy period with a variety of Spa treatments in Bad Kreuznach

Here you can find all the details how you can book in three easy steps, your cleats visit individually and according to your Wishes, click “Booking of therapy units

We attach great importance to ensuring that our guests have no waiting time and you can perceive a rule, on the day of the Prescription, or the following day, the first meetings in the radon great.


Radon therapy is only available by prescription, so you will need a prescription from a in Bad Kreuznach, Germany-based balneotherapy. The prescribers and their contact details can be found here. It is usually 8 to 12 sessions within a period of a maximum of three weeks is required. The exact number of required sessions, the doctor determines individually with you.

In General, the first therapy session is in the short term, after the visit to the doctor is already possible. For further details, please read “Booking of the Therapy sessions”.

Acuradon Radonstollen Bad-Kreuznach

The sessions run in a very easy and relaxed. You will have a meeting about 5-10 minutes before the beginning of the radon great. The Inhalation itself takes place in the therapy room on comfortable Loungers, so that no other preparations such as a Change of clothes are necessary.

After you've inhaled an hour in a relaxed, you can return directly back to the daily grind. There are no restrictions for subsequent activities are driving, such as, for example, the car. For more information about Expiry and the spatial conditions, you can find here.

Many of our patients come for many years, regularly in the radon great to enjoy the soothing effect throughout. A repeat every one to three years in the case of chronic diseases. Details you should discuss with your doctor. You can read the testimonials of our patients in various public forums or in TV-reports of 3-Sat, SWR-3 or the YouTube Video of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany.

It remained still have questions?
Here you will find the Answers.

So it goes
Patients report
Since 2 years I was the radon tunnel in Bad Kreuznach, due to various rheumatic complaints. The therapy works very well on my complaints, and has ensured that I have to take after 15 years of daily use of pain killers, now no more medicine. After the therapy, I'm almost a year of pain.
Bas Luiten at the 07.09.2020
Amersfoort/Leusden, NL
Pain therapy in Germany's only radon healing tunnel

Finally Pain-Free,
this is possible!

For over 100 years
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If you have further questions about the radon therapy or to the company, please use the contact form or directly contact the ACURADON Team:

Your direct line to the senior management ACURADON

Telefon: +49 (0)176 36 3047 36

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